About WCCTA Long Distance
When you choose Webster-Calhoun Long Distance as your primary long distance carrier, you're keeping all your telephone business with your local, member-owned cooperative telephone company.
WCCTA Long Distance Provides:
Direct Dial Calling:
1+ long distance calls for Intralata (inside 515/641 area code) and Interlata (outside 515/641 area code) at a reasonable cost
$.10 Intralata and $.10 Interlata, 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the continental United States
Toll Free Calling:
$3.00 monthly fee includes 20 minutes (additional minutes $.15)
And Don’t Forget:
Billing through WCCTA so you can receive your local service and long distance toll calls on one bill
Prompt responses to ALL your telephone questions from local representatives
Calling Plan Minute Bundles:
$10.00 includes 150 minutes each month
$20.00 includes 350 minutes each month
$30.00 includes 550 minutes each month
additional minutes over $.06/minute